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Bilingual/ English as a Second Language/ Title III Part A

Region 6 serves over thirty-two thousand English learners/Emergent Bilinguals with over 81 languages spoken in our region.  The goal of our Bilingual ESL Title III Team is to provide professional development and technical assistance for the purpose of improving the academic achievement of English learners/Emergent Bilinguals. Our team is dedicated to serving our districts and campuses that are at various stages of their program implementation and support of English learner/emergent bilingual services.  Please contact our team to create a plan that will meet the needs of your district.

Program Contacts:

Sandy Garcia Cristina Woods Vanessa Zuniga Linda Aranda

Sandy Garcia


Cristina Woods


Vanessa Zuniga


Linda Aranda


Title III, Part A guidance can be found under ESSA Federal Programs


Learn more about your school or district.  

  • Texas Schools Report Cards - See how Texas schools and districts perform in the A-F Accountability Resource Page
  • Review and Support - The primary responsibilities of the R&S department are: (1) to monitor LEAs related to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), special populations, and federal and state statutes using a risk assessment index and holistic student-centered practices; and (2) to provide targeted technical assistance and support for LEAs related to special education and special populations.
  • Results-Driven Accountability (RDA) - access to framework manual and data reports
  • Special Populations Monitoring - The Division of Special Populations Monitoring engages with LEAs receiving DLs of 3 or 4 in continuous improvement activities that lead to the development and implementation of a district-focused strategic support plan (SSP).



Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) has been selected by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to provide Texas LEAs with the LAS Battery of Assessments as the Statewide Language Proficiency Test for the purpose of English learner/Bilingual Emergent identification.

State Approved English Language Proficiency Assessment for Identification - DRC LAS Links Texas:

  • Pre-LAS for Pre-K and Kindergarten
  • LAS Links for grade 1 (listening and speaking components)
  • LAS Links for grades 2-12 (listening, speaking, reading, and writing components)

State Approved Assessment for Reclassification - Riverside Insights Iowa Assessment:

  • Grade 1 & 2 (40th percentile and above)
  • Grade 11 & 12 (40th percentile and above)

Other useful resources

The Region 6 Bilingual ESL Contracted Fee Service provides a comprehensive range of assistance and professional development designed to support LEAs in the administration and implementation of Bilingual and ESL Programs that meet state and local program requirements. Service focus on the support of instructional practices to enhance biliteracy, as well as linguistically accommodate content for Emergent Bilingual/English Learners (EB/EL) aligned to required components for program compliance in all state-supported program models: Services include, but are not limited to:

Technical Assistance for program leaders in:

  • Director meetings and ongoing electronic correspondence/newsletters with bilingual and ESL information, updates, clarifications and/or guidance.
  • Accountability and performance measures pertinent to Emergent Bilinguals/English Learners
  • Bilingual and ESL program development, implementation, and evaluation
  • Completion and submission of bilingual exceptions and or ESL waivers and/ or ESL waivers and assistance with a comprehensive plan of staff development
  • All components of program compliance
  • Resources to align with bilingual and ESL program requirements
  • Data analysis and disaggregation for program effectiveness and student achievement
  • The allowable use of state Bilingual Education Allotment funds

Regional training opportunities in the areas of:

  • LPAC identification, progress monitoring, reclassification, and ARD & LPAC collaboration
  • LPAC decision-making, designated supports for STAAR and TELPAS
  • Program leadership development
  • Bilingual and ESL instructional strategies for classrooms with Emergent Bilingual /English Learners
  • Basic overview and implementation of the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
  • Preparation sessions for teachers seeking supplemental Bilingual or ESL certification
  • An annual Regional Bilingual ESL Conference


School districts, open-enrollment charter schools, and districts of innovation that are unable to provide the appropriately certified teachers to implement the bilingual education program and/or ESL program must request from the commissioner of education an exception for the bilingual education program and/or ESL program and approval to offer a temporary alternative language program as per 19 TAC §89.1207(a). 


Filing a Bilingual Exception and or ESL Waiver

The Cyclical Process for Bilingual Exceptions and ESL Waivers Manuel

TEAL Platform Login

Overview Video of TEAL Platform

FAQ Hub: Bilingual Exception and ESL Waiver

Comprehensive PD Plan and Allowable Use of Bilingual Education Allotment (BEA) Funds

Bilingual Exception Scenario Chain (PDF)

English as a Second Language (ESL) Waiver Scenario Chain (PDF)

Descriptor Table Guide for Bilingual and English as a Second Language Program (PDF)

Region 6 Bilingual ESL Title III Sessions

TEA Training Opportunities

ESL Certification

Bilingual Certification