A safe learning environment is essential for all students in all grade levels. Without it, they are unable to focus on learning the skills needed for a successful education and future. Keeping schools safe allows children to look forward to an environment that promotes social and academic growth.
The issue of school safety has always been a priority in the education community, but in light of recent events in our country and now most recently in our state, school safety is the major issue facing local school districts, their communities, their local government as well as our federal government.
ESC Region 6 is here to support our districts in any way to help your school district become a safer place for everyone. Our website was created to help aid districts in all areas of safety. Browse the safety topics and information and please do not hesitate to contact us for any school safety assistance.
Before students can learn academically at school, they need to feel safe. Students not only need to feel safe but need to be in facilities that are safe and secure and be taught by teachers and administrators who have instructional knowledge in handling behavior problems at school to preserve the dignity, respect, and individual rights of students and staff.
Region 6 provides different safety areas to help school districts in keeping students safe. They are:
Technical assistance as well as professional development opportunities are available.
For more information see the tabs to the left or contact the program contact below.
Amy Moser