Proactively improving outcomes for students with disabilities; ESC Liaisons serve as connectors of resources and support LEAs’ efforts to improve students’ outcomes.
Statewide Special Education Liaisons
Who We Are
The Region 6 Special Education Liaisons are part of a statewide network of special education professionals that work closely with TEA to assist districts and charters improve outcomes for students with disabilities.
Special Education Liaisons are trained in Design Thinking and the 4 Disciplines of Execution to support leaders in their continuous improvement efforts.
Whether you are addressing a challenge you have identified in your program or campus, preparing for a cyclical or targeted onsite / desk review or responding to monitoring activities, Liaisons have access to resources, training and expertise to assist you.
Liaison Training and Support Services:
Differentiated Monitoring and Support (DMS)
Results Driven Accountability
Strategic Support Plan (SSP)
Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
Cyclical & Targeted Review Process
Folder Review
Legal Framework
Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX)
Design Thinking Process
ESC6 Statewide Special Education Liaisons
Administrative/Central Office Personnel, Principals, Special Education Directors may request support by contacting:
Laura Brinkley,, 936.435.8253
Samantha Weesner,, 936.435.8254