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Library Services


General Information

The certified librarian helps provide vision and leadership to the library program in the following ways: 

  • Provide updates, reports, and recommendations for the management of the library program
  • Assist the paraprofessional in critical tasks
  • Provide training and technical assistance with technology for daily use in managing an effective library program
  • Maintain appropriate print and non-print collections by weeding, book selection, determining the age of collection, etc.
  • Promote library instruction such as Dewey Decimal System, using the automation system, Internet searching techniques, and using online resources such as databases
  • Support district library staff in planning and implementing an effective school library program that meets identified needs and creates a library/media center environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity level and interests of students
  • Assist district staff in preparation of bibliographies and curriculum guides
  • Support district staff in the curation of digital resources 

The district agrees to the following: 

  • The paraprofessional is in the library three hours, or more, per day
  • The paraprofessional is willing to make necessary changes for the program to grow, meet minimum library standards, and become better prepared to be a 21st Century Library
  • Adequate funding (books and materials, supplies, technology) will be provided for the library to grow or change to meeting current curriculum needs and minimum library standards
  • The paraprofessional will be allowed and encouraged to attend staff development for improving and learning about a 21st Century Library
  • The library is setup as a standard library in Dewey order so the library skills and TEKS objectives can be taught
  • There will be library instruction, reading promotions, and story time in the library or in collaboration with classroom teachers to further reading skills and language development

School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas

Library Standards and Guidelines



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Leadership Development and 
School Improvement Lead