The Texas Education Code 31.002 defines Instructional Materials (IM) as content that conveys the essential knowledge and skills of a subject in the public-school curriculum encompasses lesson plans, assessments, and various materials used by teachers, principals, instructional leaders to support students learning.
House Bill (HB) 1605 has initiated a change in instructional materials terminology, emphasizing the importance of clear definitions to enhance student academic outcomes. An understanding of the three distinct categories of instructional materials is crucial.
High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) aligned with academic standards, offering clear learning outcomes, evidence-based practices, and full support for both teachers and students. To be considered HQIM in the state of Texas, the instructional materials must:
HQIM provides teachers with resources that ensure all students access rigorous, grade-level content. Review all the criteria HQIM must meet in each grade level and content area in the IMRA Quality and Suitability Rubrics.
SBOE-approved instructional materials must pass through the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process, ensuring they meet rigorous standards and qualify for state funding entitlements outlined under Section 48.307.
Open Education Resources (OER) reside in the public domain or are released under an intellectual property license allowing free use, reuse, modification, and sharing with others.
State-Developed OER Instructional Materials are classified as state-developed OER, which can qualify for SBOE approval and corresponding entitlements.
Locally Adopted Instructional Materials are the materials that have been chosen and implemented in schools by a local educational agency. Locally adopted instructional materials may or may not be approved by the SBOE or considered HQIM.
ESC Region 6 is positioned to assist districts in understanding and implementing HQIM, while supporting whichever choices districts make regarding instructional materials. This collaborative approach aims to enhance educational outcomes for all students within the Texas public school system.
Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS)
Provides educators with the essential knowledge and skills to implement evidence-based teaching practices effectively in their classrooms. By familiarizing themselves with RBIS, educators can better customize the learning experience to meet the diverse needs of every student.
As part of a comprehensive plan to increase access to High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) for students in Texas, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) has created a set of RBIS that emphasize the critical instructional shifts needed for delivering high-quality and challenging lessons.
RBIS can be characterized as: -
Additionally, RBIS highlights the significance of HQIM and outlines the requirements for their successful implementation. RBIS workshops focus on best practices in Reading, Language Arts (RLA), and Math, offering specific strategies supported by research. These strategies should be applied in all classrooms, regardless of the instructional resources used.
Bluebonnet Learning, created by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), offers instructional materials rooted in evidence-based research to enhance teaching effectiveness and improve student comprehension. Fully compliant with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), these resources provide educators with engaging tools to promote student achievement at all grade levels. Recently, Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials have been approved through the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process by the State Board of Education (SBOE). Explore how Bluebonnet Learning’s state-developed instructional materials can transform the teaching and learning experience in your school.
Strong Foundations (SF) and LASO
TEA Strong Foundations is a grant program that Local Education Agencies (LEAs) can apply for to assist with the preparation and implementation of high-quality instructional materials. Currently, support is being provided in the following content areas: SLAR and RLA K-5, K-5 Math, and 6-12 Math.
The Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) strategically batches grant funding opportunities that support continued learning acceleration and innovation opportunities. The LASO program grants are anchored in: Strategic Planning, Instructional Materials (HQIM), Teacher Pipelines, More Time, and Innovative School Models.
Two of the decisions available through the LASO 1, LASO 2, and LASO 3 grants are Strong Foundations Planning and Strong Foundations Implementation.
NOTE: Campuses identified as School Improvement will be encouraged to apply for the Strong Foundations Implementation SI PLC Supports Grant through LASO 3.
LASO 3 Strong Foundations Grant Information and Timeline
An online curriculum management system that aligns with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The TEKS Resource System is developed based on contemporary research-based practices to offer a foundation of aligned curriculum for the four main subject areas in grades K-12. Components include Vertical Alignment Documents (VAD), TEKS Clarification Documents (TCD), Year at a Glance (YAG), Instructional Focus Document (IFD), Assessment Center, subject-specific resources, and more! We will assist your educators with TEKS Resource System training, provide professional development opportunities, and offer technical support. Pricing is tiered based on Average Daily Attendance (calculated in the summer).
TEKS Resource System
Texas Curriculum Resources (TCR)
Curriculum documents aimed at assisting Texas educators in making use of Open Education Resources (previously referred to as Eureka, Carnegie, and Amplify). These documents feature the Vertical Alignment Document and the Instructional Focus Document.
The TCR initiative is currently being developed by the Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative (TCMPC) State Team. The TCR materials are crafted to enhance teachers' content knowledge and aid in planning for OER Math from Kindergarten to High School and ELAR and SLAR from Kindergarten to 5th grade. With the introduction of the new platform, users of TEKS RS and TCR can create interactive calendars on a yearly, monthly, and weekly basis to help them stay organized.
TCR is aligned with the TCMPC to ensure that state standards are met. The TCMPC, which was formerly known as the TEKS Resource System, provides teachers with a framework for resources pertaining to curriculum and assessment that corresponds with state standards. A team of experts in curriculum, assessment, and technology, alongside ESC content specialists, district leaders, and Texas educators, collaborate to deliver and maintain current, TEKS-aligned resources that reflect the constantly changing state priorities.
Both TCR and TCMPC can be utilized via a single platform called Campfire Learning. Districts can select which resource to implement based on the grade level and content area, but access must be granted by the ESC to ensure proper activation of accounts. To implement TCMPC and TCR at your campus or district, please contact us for further information and support.
The TEKS Resource System (TEKS R/S) curriculum management system provides curriculum to numerous districts throughout Texas and is supported by all 20 Education Service Centers across the state. TEKS R/S is an online curriculum for the four core academic subjects (science, mathematics, social studies, and English language arts & reading) which includes a scope and sequence, unit maps, clarifications for TEKS Student Expectations, a lesson planner, administrator walk-through tool, content-specific resources, vertical alignment documents, and an assessment item bank. See ITRS+ Website for more information.
Some statistics:
Provided by Region 13 supports teachers with a bridge between curriculum, aligned resources, and instructional planning. This increases the efficiency and quality of lesson planning for teachers, directly impacting student learning outcomes
Learn more about our TExGUIDE PK-12 and TExGUIDE Pre-K products using the tabs above.
A premium digital resources for K-12 students in Texas public and open-enrollment charter schools, and is provided with shared funding from the state legislature, via the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC).
*What is included in TexQuest? •
Where is information on how to use TexQuest?
Education Service Center, Region 20, TexQuest’s educational partner, coordinates TexQuest training and support activities. Training calendars, webinars, and product information can be found at
Which districts are participating?
Over 95% of eligible students now have access to TexQuest. Contact the TexQuest Support Center at for information.
What is the cost?
Because TexQuest is supported by the Texas State Legislature, districts will be assessed an annual participation fee per pupil, based on October enrollment data provided by TEA. TexQuest participation is only available at the district level.