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TEKSbank questions are designed based on an in-depth analysis of the TEKS, the STAAR released items and assessment best practices. The questions can be used by teachers and administrators to build assessments in an online application.

We are proud to say that our bank is ready for the STAAR redesign. We offer tech-enhanced items, writing assessment items in all content areas, cross-curricular passages, online integration to your data management systems, and so much more!

We would love to share more with you about the TEKSbank item bank.  

Learn more about how TEKSbank is ready to support your transition to the new STAAR

Visit the TEKSbank Website for item counts and information about our items.


TEKSbank is a product of Region 10 Education Service Center.


TEKSbank Classroom


TEKSbank Classroom is an assessment application inside of your LMS that provides access to thousands of high quality assessment items developed for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which can be used to help discover students' areas of need and strength in order to make data-informed instructional decisions everyday!

TEKSbank Classroom is currently available in Canvas, Google Classroom, and Schoology.

Learn more about TEKSbank Classroom by visiting our site:


Fill out this form to have a member of our team reach out to you: TbC Interest Form

TEKS Revisions

All TEKSbank items are aligned to new (or revised) standards including elementary social studies and high school language arts for the 20-21 school year.

Data-Driven Decisions

This year, the TEKSbank item development priority was determined using 2019 state assessment data to ensure educators have adequate items for assessing hard-to-teach hard-to-learn standards. In addition, we completed our yearly TEKS alignment and quality audits across all grade levels and content areas by content area expert. As a result, over 5,000 items were either added or revised to ensure that Texas educators have access to best overall assessment item bank!

Science Spanish Items Now 1:1

Over the summer over 1,350 Spanish science items were added to TEKSbank bringing the English to Spanish ratio for science to 1:1!

In addition, all Spanish items in TEKSbank (across content areas) that have an English companion, have been tagged with an item number keyword so that educators can easily create equivalent Spanish and English assessments.

2nd Grade SLAR - Coming Soon!

In response to district requests, 2nd grade SLAR has been added to TEKSbank. Content experts trans-adapted over 70 passages and 950+ items into Spanish. All items have been reviewed for cultural context, vocabulary, and TEKS alignment. Items will be available in early fall!

ELAR Focus Assessments - Available Now!

Creating formative assessments in the ELAR classroom can be tough! As we've worked with teachers and administrators around the state, we've heard over and over how difficult it can be to find short assessments that focus on a single skill. In response, our team of content experts have put together Reading Focus Assessments for grade 3-8.

These assessments include a short reading passage and 5-7 assessment items that progressively target a single skill so that teachers can easily determine a students level and provide differentiated instruction. Each grade level has 5-6 reading focus assessments available for the 20-21 school year. Genres and TEKS were thoughtfully chosen for each grade level using the STAAR assessed curriculum provided by TEA.

TEKSbank test items are an efficient way to measure student knowledge. Through their close alignment to the TEKS, TEKSbank items let students demonstrate what they know and can do. Item design allows for close identification of student strengths and areas of need. This information helps provide common focus and clarity for teachers and students.

  • supports delivery of common assessments
  • closely measures TEKS objectives
  • supports differentiation

The accuracy of data a district or campus receives directly impacts their potential to accurately predict student success or establish goals for improvement. If the test items a district or campus gives their students are not tightly aligned to the content, concepts, processes and skills of the TEKS students need to master, then the data they receive from these assessments is faulty.

Does the items’ content match the content (topics and skills) in the standards?

Yes: Each test item corresponds to an objective in the standards.
Yes: Key ideas in the standards appear on the tests.

Do the items cover a comparable “range” or breadth of knowledge, and is there an appropriate “balance” of knowledge across the items that are aligned to the standards?

Yes: Multiple items are available for each standard and these items sample across the range of objectives described in the TEKS.

Is the level of cognitive demand or challenge called for in the standards matched by the cognitive and procedural level of the items?

Yes: For example, if the standards require students to synthesize information and explain their thinking, the test items will ask students to do the same. Items will also be included that scaffold up to higher level of blooms and processes.

Do the assessment items avoid adding material that is irrelevant to the standard?

Yes: Content experts review each item to ensure that materials tested are aligned to the TEKS.


Hales, L., & Marshall, J. (2004). Developing effective assessment to improve teaching and learning. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon.

Popham, James (2001). The truth about testing: An educator’s call to action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Porter, A.C. (2002). Measuring the content of instruction: Uses in research and practice. Educational Researcher, 31.

Rothman, R., Slattery, J.B., Vranek, J.L., and Resnick, L.B. (2002). Benchmarking and Alignment of Standards and Testing. (CSE Technical Report 566.).

* Reference to these authors’ works does not imply their endorsement of this resource.


  • Over 14,000 items
  • Aligned to the NEW ELAR TEKS and STAAR format
  • Passages for poetry, drama, informational and literary text
  • Editing, revising, and writing prompts
  • SLAR content for grades 3-5
  • ELAR Samples


  • Over 12,000 items
  • Aligned to the math TEKS and STAAR format
  • Each SE will have at least 10 questions
  • Includes STAAR formatted gridable items
  • Spanish items for each SE in grades 2-5
  • Math Samples


  • Over 9,000 items
  • Aligned to the science TEKS and STAAR format
  • Includes STAAR formatted gridable items
  • At least 10 Spanish items for each SE in grades 2-5
  • Dual-coded items for content and process
  • Science Samples

Social Studies

  • Over 10,000 items
  • Aligned to the revised social studies TEKS and STAAR format
  • Items with maps, charts, pictures and political cartoons
  • Spanish items for each SE in grades 2-5
  • Dual-coded items for content and process
  • Social Studies Samples