The web-based applications provided by DMAC exist to supply Texas educators with state-of-the-art tools and services necessary to develop and improve the quality of education provided to students. This allows for more time with students and less time planning, testing, grading and disaggregating data.
How do you get started?
Implementing DMAC at your school is EASY! Each application runs on any device with an internet connection and there is no hardware or servers needed to install. The software offered by DMAC is available on an annual contract. Schools can select from a menu of solutions each year so you only purchase what you need. Some pieces are offered at the district level and others can be purchased by individual campuses.
What is this application used for?
STAAR, TELPAS and Interim Assessments
Reports by district, campus, teacher or student. Tracks federal and state accountability measures and provides data analysis to assist in developing differentiated instruction. Academic Performance Dashboard included for administrators.
State Assessment is a web-based tool for analyzing the state assessment results of STAAR, TAKS, and TELPAS. It allows Texas school leaders, administrators, and teachers to work smarter, not harder.
User-friendly instructional, demographic, comparison, trend, and student reports are available for you to customize. Generate reports within a few clicks for parent conferences, ARDs or PLC meetings. All reports can be created at various levels/scopes to help monitor students’ progress (i.e., state, regional, district, campus, class, teacher or student levels).
DMAC does not limit the use of your data. Create custom queries to identify specific groups or sub populations, and then generate student tutorial reports to help with creating targeted instructional strategies for students.
What is this application used for?
TEKS Assessment Generator/Online Test Item Bank
Create local assessments
Select from original content aligned to state standards or create your own. TEA released items and TEKS Resource System items are also available.
TAG is a web-based program that allows educators to create assessments in order to monitor student progress. Creating local assessments gives administrators and teachers the ability to monitor student progress and to make data-driven instructional decisions based on specific strengths and weaknesses.
What is this application used for?
A complete toolkit for scoring and analyzing local assessments (aligned to TEKS, ELPS and/or AP). Students can record answers to assessments using the online Student Response System. District, Campus and Teacher Dashboards provide drill-down access to analyze results including the 1-Click Report feature.
TEKScore is a web-based tool for scoring and analyzing local TEKS-based assessments.
Powerful Reports. Local assessments are key to student growth. Teachers and Administrators can generate reports in real-time for the district, campus, class, teacher or student. Easily monitor trends and assess individual student achievement through quintiles, heat maps, tutorial groups and more.
What is this application used for?
Early Reading Performance
TPRI and Tejas LEE data collection, reporting and analysis.
The TPRI application in DMAC is a web-based tool developed to help schools collect and analyze TPRI primary reading inventory data. The Texas Primary Reading Inventory is a K-3 reading assessment that tracks emergent reader progress prior to standardized testing. With permission from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, DMAC has created this online resource to help schools manage the assessment data collected throughout the year to help monitor student’s reading development.
Learn more about TPRI here >
TejasLEE is a Spanish Reading Inventory designed for accumulating and analyzing primary reading inventory data. This assessment, teamed with data collection software, gives schools a clear picture of Spanish speaking student needs.
What is this application used for?
Allows administrators to meet state-mandated requirements for teacher and principal appraisals. Educators are able to complete and electronically sign their documentation online.
User-friendly, web-based tools that allow schools to meet all appraisals system requirements mandated by the state. For added flexibility, teachers are able to submit and review their own documentation online. Administrators have the option to conduct walkthroughs using ANY mobile device with an internet connection (e.g., iPads, iPhones or Android devices).
What is this application used for?
Student Plans
Seamless transfer of individual student data district-wide. Locate students quickly and access all data K-12 that is documented for students year-after-year. Access class schedule, record notes, upload additional information, and print local and state data.
Student Portfolio is a FREE web-based component of DMAC that allows teachers and administrators to access relevant information for individual students in order to track their achievement and growth.
What is this application used for?
Student Plans
Documentation of LPAC Process. Create and manage ESL and Bilingual forms and letters. Integrates with other DMAC applications assisting with data entry and documentation for EL population. Features include a real-time Dashboard, reports and digital signatures available for parents and committee members.
Create and organize LPAC documentation for individual students and committee meetings. Designed by Texas educators, the web-based software makes the process of completing and organizing forms related to the LPAC framework more efficient.
Streamline data entry. LPAC forms automatically populate student information from other areas in DMAC such as class roster data files and State Assessment data. Additional documentation builds on previous entries. The more information you have in DMAC, the easier the forms become to complete.
Cumulative Folders:
Learning Plans is a complete web-based tool. Create and maintain Accelerated Learning Plans (ALP) or Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) plans for individual students. Access historical plans, progress monitoring, and assessment data from year to year.
All plans, progress monitoring, and data are in one easy-to-access location which provides a complete picture of each student and his/her progress. Learning Plans will help districts and campuses improve student achievement, determine the effectiveness of interventions, and make better decisions regarding student needs.
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What is this application used for?
Student Plans
Personal Graduation Plan (HS). Develop and maintain four-year plans for high school students. Select assigned courses, graduation plans, Endorsements, Programs of Study and document credits. Meets requirements of HB5. PGP Intervention (MS/JH). Develop state-mandated personal graduation plans documenting intervention/monitoring plans and student/parent goals.
DMAC offers two modules to help schools create personal graduation plans at the middle school/junior high and high school campuses.
PGP Intervention (MS/JH)
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What is this application used for?
Student Plans
Student Success Initiative. Develop/maintain accelerated instruction plans for students in grades 5 and 8 who have failed the Reading and/or Math portion of state tests. Includes all state forms required for the Grade Placement Committee.
SSI is a complete web-based tool that will assist districts and campuses with creating and managing the various reports required by the Student Success Initiative and the Grade Placement Committee manual. All documents and forms from grades 5-8 can be managed in the DMAC software. When districts/campuses utilize the DMAC software there is a seamless trail for all documents. All of the data is stored historically.
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What is this application used for?
Curriculum Instruction and Assessment. Align and map district built curriculum (i.e., TEKS, ELPS and AP). Users can connect planned instruction to performance on state assessments in order to increase student achievement. Print, export and share documentation with ease.
CIA (Curriculum Instruction and Assessment) is a web-based tool that allows educators to create a working document which contains each subject area’s scope, sequence, and reinforcement of STAAR for the year. Schools can ensure that all test objectives are taught in a timely fashion through curriculum alignment. CIA provides avenues for developing and maintaining “living” curriculum documents that allow for both vertical and horizontal alignment.
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What is this application used for?
District/Campus Plans
District/Campus Improvement Plans. Develop and maintain plans that comply with state and federal requirements (TEA and ESSA). Features include secure multi-user access online; automatic reconciliation of funds attached to resources in a goal, strategy or objective; copy plans from previous years; Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) module; and more. Integrates with other DMAC applications making it possible to include relevant state and local data or attach custom forms.
PlanWorks® allows each campus/district to create a customized school improvement plan as required by state and federal law. Plans are maintained historically in the software system. A few mouse clicks allow educators to choose, customize, and monitor improvement plans.
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What is this application used for?
Custom Online Forms. Create forms and collect data. Forms can be stand-alone (e.g., district surveys, travel requests) or linked to other DMAC applications including T-TESS, RtI, Student Portfolio and others.
FormWorks® – Create custom online forms that can be used as standalone data collection tools or integrated with other DMAC applications (i.e., Student Portfolio, T-TESS, SIP, RtI, PGP, etc.).
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What is this application used for?
Data Tools. Harness the power of DMAC to create digital versions of the data tools recommended by lead4ward during their statewide trainings on how to use state and local data to help students and improve instruction.
The lead4ward application in DMAC allows users to generate reports to populate the data tools showcased during the lead4ward trainings statewide. The look and feel of the application mirrors that of the State Assessment and TEKScore pieces of DMAC. Additionally, the lead4ward module allows DMAC users to aggregate both state and local data to help monitor student performance and growth. The formatting and functionality reflects the specific direction provided by lead4ward to coincide with their recommendations.
Custom Data Tools can be generated at District and Campus levels and includes the following reports. Options include the ability to customize up to three distinct checkpoints.
Quintile Reports can also be generated at the Campus, Teacher and Class levels. Options include the ability to highlight certain demographic groups, show the local ID and growth.
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What is this application used for?
System Management Tools -- Upload and access data, manage user accounts and student enrollment information. This application is free to all users.
Utilities is a free component of DMAC Solutions that allows administrators to maintain district and campus profiles, users accounts and class roster data. Utilities also provides individual users with the ability to update their own accounts.
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